
Fostering Inquiry-Based Learning

Nov 09, 2023
Fostering inquiry based learning Edmentum International article

Transforming International Schools into Dynamic Learning Communities

Education begins with the curiosity of the learner. These are the words of John Dewey, esteemed philosopher and educational reformer, who believed that students grow and learn as they interact with the world around them. While this idea was popularized many decades ago, the concept of inquiry-based learning, which is based on this original philosophy, continues to be celebrated in classrooms today. Defined as a student-centered approach that empowers learners to actively explore, investigate, and construct their knowledge, inquiry-based learning promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of concepts.

In this blog, we will explore the principles of inquiry-based learning and provide strategies for international schools to embrace and implement this transformative approach in their classrooms and schools.

Understanding Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning involves posing open-ended questions, engaging students in investigations, and guiding them through the process of seeking answers. It nurtures curiosity, promotes active learning, and encourages students to develop their own questions, conduct research, and draw conclusions. The most critical element—inquiry-based learning shifts the role of the teacher from a knowledge provider to a facilitator and empowers students to take ownership of their learning.

Establishing a Culture of Inquiry

Creating a culture of inquiry starts with fostering an environment that values curiosity, risk-taking, and a growth mindset. Educators should encourage students to ask questions, explore diverse perspectives, and pursue their interests. Teachers can design activities that stimulate curiosity, such as problem-solving challenges, real-world simulations, and hands-on experiments.

Designing Engaging Learning Experiences

Inquiry-based learning thrives on authentic and meaningful experiences. Curriculum leads and classroom teachers should design learning activities that connect to real-world contexts and engage students in open-ended investigations. Project-based learning, case studies, and simulations provide opportunities for students to delve deep into a topic, apply knowledge to solve problems, and develop critical thinking skills.

Emphasizing the Process of Inquiry

Shifting to an inquiry approach starts with learning the process. Teach students how to formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, and draw evidence-based conclusions. Scaffold the inquiry process by providing guidance, resources, and opportunities for reflection. Utilize the commonly practiced gradual release model to transfer responsibility to students as they gain confidence and independence in their inquiry skills.

Integrating Technology and Resources

Utilize technology and a wide range of resources to support inquiry-based learning. Online databases, interactive simulations, multimedia presentations, and collaboration tools can enhance students’ access to information and facilitate communication and collaboration. Encourage students to critically evaluate digital sources and use technology as a tool for research, analysis, and creative expression.

Digital learning platforms offer diverse resources and interactive content that empower students to explore topics independently. Through these platforms, learners can access a wealth of information, engage in simulations, and collaborate with peers globally, encouraging curiosity-driven investigations. Features such as discussion forums, virtual labs, and multimedia presentations not only cater to varied learning styles but also prompt students to ask questions, formulate hypotheses, and seek solutions autonomously.

Facilitating Collaborative Learning

As students question, research, and turn over new information to build long-term understanding, there’s in lies a terrific opportunity to weave in collaborative work. Consider creating opportunities for students to engage in group discussions, peer-to-peer feedback, and cooperative problem-solving. By working collaboratively, students learn to consider diverse perspectives, negotiate ideas, and develop essential teamwork skills.

Assessing Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning doesn’t stop at instruction. It can also be a powerful driver for evolving your assessment strategies. Focus on assessing process skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities rather than just content knowledge. This can be done by using a variety of assessment methods, including portfolios, presentations, and performance-based assessments, to capture students’ learning journey and growth throughout the inquiry process.

Professional Development and Support

To successfully implement inquiry-based learning, international schools should invest in ongoing professional development for teachers. Provide training and workshops on inquiry-based pedagogy, research skills, and assessment strategies. In the same way students will benefit from learning and sharing with one another in an inquiry-based model, consider how you can bring this approach to educator professional development. This can start by encouraging collaboration and the sharing of best practices among teachers to foster a supportive learning community.

Building Partnerships

Since inquiry-based learning emphasizes discovery and exploration, it’s important to think about how you can take learning outside of the classroom. Engage parents, community organizations, and industry experts to support inquiry-based learning. Invite guest speakers, organize field trips, or connect students with mentors who can provide real-world perspectives and expertise. Partnerships strengthen the authenticity and relevance of students’ inquiries and broaden their understanding of the subject matter.

Reflecting and Iterating

The overall experience is strengthened when you create time and space for reflection. Regularly reflect on the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning implementation and make necessary adjustments. Encourage teachers and students to provide feedback, share insights, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of inquiry-based practices. Celebrate the achievements and successes of students engaged in inquiry-based learning to motivate and inspire others.

Inquiry-Based Learning and Edmentum

Course design for Courseware and Apex Courses prioritizes inquiry-based learning to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. In science courses, the inquiry process is a launching point for the instruction, guiding students through answering questions and solving problems based on facts and observations. Students are also encouraged to discover new concepts on their own through virtual labs and simulations. In our English courses, students might spend a unit researching key questions, evaluating and synthesizing sources, and presenting their findings. Additionally, Clarifying Big Ideas tutorials, which appear throughout the programs, help clarify misconceptions and empower students to take an inquiry-based approach to their learning.

These are just a few of the examples our programs are elevating this learning approach to build the learners of tomorrow. As you cultivate curiosity in your students, consider how this approach can nurture lifelong learners, independent thinkers, and prepare students for a rapidly evolving world.

Curious about how to spark your students' curiosity and engagement? Discover effective strategies in our article: Five Strategies for Creating an Inquiry-Based Classroom.

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