TASC® Test Mathematics

TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion® Tutorials are based on specifications found in TASC Test information for publishers which includes alignment to Common Core State Standards and provide students a less stressful and more successful preparation effort as they work to achieve a TASC test passing score.


In each module, the Learn It and Try It make complex ideas accessible to students through focused content, guided analysis, and practice with personalized feedback so students are empowered to increase their Exam Readiness. The Review It offers an engaging and high impact video summary of key concepts and important to grasp connections. The Test It assesses students’ mastery of the module’s concepts, providing granular performance data to students and teachers, linking a student’s performance to ACT key idea details and score ranges. To help students focus on the content most relevant to them, unit-level pretests and posttests can quickly identify where students are ready for test day and where they need to continue their review and practice.


This Tutorial is aligned to specifications found in TASC Test information for publishers for Mathematics test subject areas.  


TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion® is a trademark of Data Recognition Corporation | CTB.

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