The Power of Student Feedback
Who doesn’t like to hear that they’ve done a good job? The obvious answer here is that we all yearn for and are filled up by encouragement and praise. Conversely, no one really enjoys being critiqued or, worse, criticized, but there’s value in learning and growing through feedback. Giving intentional, meaningful feedback is an essential skill for effective communication and being an exemplary educator. In the context of the classroom, delivering student feedback is crucial. Let’s explore tips for doing it successfully.
Be specific
Positive affirmations don’t mean a lot if they’re generic and unclear—“good job” or “way to go,” while friendly, aren’t particularly useful. Rather, feedback like: “It was really great how you came into the classroom, put away your things, and got right to work” or “you’ve nailed the order of operations for these math problems, and it shows!” are clear and specific. These statements take slightly longer to compose, but they also mean so much more! Now, the actual activity is understood and repeatable.
When providing less-than-stellar feedback, being specific matters even more because it’s educating the listener on what is incorrect by redirecting instead of responding emotionally. “Standing on your chair in the lunchroom is unacceptable” is far different from “you’re being foolish.”
Make it immediate
Have you ever gotten back a score on a big test long after taking it—perhaps so much so that you forgot what it was even about? The feedback loop is irreparably broken, and the lesson is lost in time. Instead, consider how you can offer feedback in a timely manner so that the learner remembers the experience and can make a meaningful change.
Expedite your grading practices when you can, and address the whole class early if you’re noticing a theme. If you know you can’t get to specific feedback as quickly as you would like, try elevating an exemplar inside of your next lesson to allow students a chance to evaluate what’s working and learn from what’s not.
Consider all forms of feedback
In this Cambridge University Press article, the author reminds us: “Every time we speak or listen to another person, in our tone of voice, in the words we use, in the silences which we allow, we communicate feedback. . . . We cannot not give feedback.”
This is an excellent reminder that nonverbal cues, written notes, and verbal conferencing are all forms of feedback that likely take place daily inside your classroom and, therefore, should be carefully examined. Consider each in turn, and vary the style and volume of feedback through every method for maximum impact.
Concentrate feedback where it matters
It’s tempting to call out every little thing that might be amiss inside your classroom—behavioral, academic, or otherwise. But, by critiquing everything, you’ll lose your focus, and students may quickly tune you out. Rather, be intentional and emphasize what’s most important during that point in time. If you’re marking up a writing sample and the assignment was to work on transitions, don’t comment on syntax and character development too heavily. You’re effectively washing out what the assignment is all about and discouraging learning in the process.
Prioritize positive feedback
One specific strategy to intentionally prioritize encouragement is to train your brain to narrate positive behaviors when you’re tempted to focus on just the opposite. Statements like: “I see that Dimitri is copying down the homework in his planner” or “I notice that Julia is cleverly using the word wall to support her spelling” make a big difference in classroom culture. By altering the ratio of positive to negative feedback, you’re also making it clear to your students the procedures and academic skills that are expected.
Feedback matters at each stage of the instructional day—during a lesson, amidst a small-group session, in the couple of minutes after class, and certainly, as students prepare for any big (and potentially stressful) assessment. Be honest, be kind, and be respectful, and then feedback can make a long-lasting impact in the lives of your students.
Looking for ways to encourage intrinsic motivation in your students? Discover our top strategies in Four Student Rewards That Encourage Intrinsic Motivation – And Don’t Cost a Thing and create a more positive classroom environment without spending a dime.