Success Story

Improving Students’ Performance and Progress with EducationCity

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St Saviour’s RC Primary School, UK

About the School

Roman Catholic Primary School

Edmentum Product



St Saviour’s RC Primary School in Lewisham has been using EducationCity for over five years now in English, Maths and Science. They are an inner-city school with above average EAL and SEN learners, and in 2017, their Key Stage 2 progress scores have put them in the top 10% of schools nationally. They were looking for a solution to increase student performance and progress.

“Overall, I’d recommend just making sure EducationCity is built into programs of study such as maths. Our Key Stage 2 are timetabled each week for 30 minutes simply to take part in PlayLive due to the impact it has on core skills.”

Dean Houson, Headteacher
St. Saviour’s RC Primary School, UK


Headteacher, Mr Houson, explains how the school has benefited from using EducationCity:

“We chose EducationCity for two reasons. The first being it is a wonderful diagnostic tool which reiterates to the children with an explanation whether they are right or wrong. The second reason is the ability to offer children Home Access of this superb software.”

How EducationCity’s Resources Help to Improve Students’ Performance

“We particularly use the phonics, science and maths areas as they offer superb pictorial and animated explanations which engage all learners, particularly EAL learners. The PlayLive function is an amazing tool for consolidating mental maths and is proving very useful for preparing our Year 3 class for the computerized times table testing being introduced next year.

“Our Phonics scores have risen from 52% (2012) to 86% (2017), and our EYFS scores from 48% (2012) to 83% (2017). EducationCity has played a huge part in this in terms of allowing teachers greater flexibility and offering parents out of hours learning.

“At St Saviour’s we champion PlayLive in all our Key Stage 2 classes as it boosts the attainment in core and mental maths skills so successfully. When tracking six of our low attaining students last academic year, five made more than six steps progress, and five steps is considered good. EducationCity benefited these children as they were missing the ‘core’ skills of times tables.”

What is PlayLive?

PlayLive is available in English, Maths, French and Spanish and they are interactive, competitive games which allow students to pitch their knowledge against others in a timed environment. PlayLive is great for testing students’ knowledge and improving recall skills.

Using EducationCity’s Learn Screens with Differentiated Learning

“EducationCity helps a great deal with differentiated learning, particularly with the ‘topic finder’ tool in Search to find Learn Screens. If we have SEN/EAL learners it is incredibly simple to find the year group and use a Learn Screen that is linked to an Activity as scaffolding for the main task.”

What are Learn Screens?

Animated Learn Screens introduce and reinforce topics or concepts. They can be used by individual students or a whole class to help them gain a thorough understanding of a topic.

What is an Activity?

Activities offer engaging, curriculum-aligned content to develop students’ understanding. They can be teacher-led for group work on the whiteboard, or for individual learning where the progress of each student is tracked.

Using SuccessTracker for Deep Learning & Mastery

“EducationCity’s resources help improve our students’ progress in terms of mastery and consolidating deep learning. This is done through using the diagnostic tool, SuccessTracker. It allows us to see how children are performing and enables us to challenge children with higher level tasks through the year group Topic Tools.

“Many of the students who missed ‘core’ skills in times tables as mentioned above were EAL or in-year admissions, and the fact we could communicate with parents as to what areas they should focus on out of school with SuccessTracker meant no learning time was lost, even in the holidays.”

What is SuccessTracker?

SuccessTracker lets you monitor students’ progress by automatically recording all Activity and Test scores. You can filter the data you’d like to view and export for reporting purposes.


Here’s what a couple of Mr Houson’s students said about EducationCity’s PlayLive English.

“I like EducationCity because it has inspired me to use new words in PlayLive English which I now use in my writing. I like how fair it is when I’m competing and we have to find the same words. It’s great!”

-Katie, Year 5 Student

“I like the fact that it widens my vocabulary and it keeps the word selection randomized. It also gives you a bonus for certain words. I love it!”

-Harvey, Year 5 Student

Programs that Drive Success

Learn more about the programs used by this school community to achieve results.

Ed City


Trusted assessments and curricula aligned to UK educational objectives for English, maths, and science are designed to work in harmony with educators to help students aged 4–12 develop key skills.

Assessments, Supplemental & Intervention

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